Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mathomatix: Measurement by Punflay - an iPhone App Review


There's more to preschool and kindergarten math than counting! Children ages 3-5 may wonder about measuring many things, from how long a stick is to how heavy an apple is. Punflay has developed a new learning application named Measurement which introduces different concepts of weight, volume and length to children. Included in this app are 5 different games with names such as: Crazy Clock, Scale Tale, Fill Me Up, Long & Short and Action Months.

PhotobucketMy daughter's favorite game was Fill Me Up. In this game your child learns the concept of volume through easy exercises like filling pitchers with milk or bowls with strawberries and then deciding which container holds more or less. The graphics are very creative with fun ideas like sand in a beach pail, ice cream in a dish, cracked eggs in a bowl and cookies in jar. My daughter loved the variety of pictures and themes this game included.

Another feature of the Measurement app is My Stuff.  Once a round of any game is complete the player receives a "reward" like a bear or basket. These images are stored in the "My Stuff" rewards box in the main menu of the game. When my child realized she could earn an image of a toy and collect even more with every round she would not put my phone down.

To purchase Measurement and other fun Mathomatix games by Punflay visit or you can find them in the iTunes store for prices starting at only 99 cents.

I was not compensated for this review although I did receive a free download of the app to facilitate the review. Any and all opinions here are mine.


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