My second favorite item Carolina Pad sent me was this large yellow accordion file with tabs and a snap closure. My secret obsession is that I love food magazines. I enjoy these magazines so much that I can't part with one until I've tried all the recipes that look interesting. The problem with this is my husband hates the large pile of magazines that dominate a corner of our bedroom. Lucky for him I have this great new system that will please us both! I labeled the tabs in this filing system with the following: cakes, cookies, salads, soups/chilis, main dish/poultry, main dish/beef, etc. Now when I find a recipe I like in a magazine I can tear the page out and file it in this folder until I get the chance to cook it. Better yet is that this compact and cute folder fits nicely in my kitchen cupboard right next to my cookbooks!
I am loving each and every piece sent to me by Carolina Pad. You too can purchase one or more of these great organizational tools at
The generous people over at Carolina Pad have also offered to give away a $25 gift certificate (US Residents only) to their store so that you can get organized as well! (Canadian resident winners will receive a prize pack with a retail value of $25.)
To earn a mandatory entry in the Carolina Pad giveaway, become a Google Friends Connect follower of Moana Saves (in the sidebar).
To earn an additional entry, do one (or all) of the following and leave a separate comment for each thing you do:
1. Become a Networked Blogs follower of Moana Saves (in the sidebar).
2. Like the Carolina Pad Facebook page.
3. Like the Moana Saves Facebook page.
4. Follow Carolina Pad on Twitter
5. Follow Moana Saves on Twitter.
6. Tweet about this giveaway (limit one tweet per day) using the following: #Win a $25 Carolina Pad GC from @CarolinaPad and @moanasaves ends 2/23
7. Subscribe to the Moana Saves feed via RSS reader and/or email updates (in the sidebar).
8. Grab the Moana Saves button and put it on your blog until the giveaway is over.
9. Put Moana Saves on your blog list.
Only one person per email/household/IPaddress can enter this giveaway. He/she must be 18+ years old and reside in the U.S. or Canada. This giveaway ends on Wednesday, 2/23/11 HST (Hawaii Standard Time). One winner will be chosen randomly via I will notify the winner via email and he/she must respond to claim the prize within 48 hours or I will draw another winner.
US and Canada residents only. Anyone who has won a Carolina Pad prize pack or gift certificate in the last 90 days is not eligible.
I was not compensated for this giveaway although I did receive samples of products to facilitate the original review. Any and all opinions here are mine.
This is awesome- I want this! I'm a Networked Blogs follower!
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ReplyDeleteP.S. LOVE the pretty blog design!
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